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Speaking Jamaica Patois – Part 2


Permalink 05:19:33 pm, by Melba
Categories: Culture, Commentary

Speaking Jamaica Patois – Part 2

So, were you able to say the test sentences from part 1 in Jamaican patois?


Test .

Can you say the following in Jamaica patois.

1. The bottle is empty. -  De bokkle hempty.

2. My mother loves ginger tea. – Mi madda lov ginga tea.

3. I cut my little finger with the paper. – Mi cut mi likkle finga wid de paypa.

Well done.

In this article, we will examine how Jamaicans address each other. Most persons will address their friends, neighbours and colleagues by their first or last name. In Jamaica, however, many persons don’t even know the correct names of some of their acquaintances. In fact, it is not uncommon to hear persons at funerals comment, ‘a so him did name, all dis time mi neva know’. Yes, at first introductions, actual names are exchanged however Jamaicans tent to give each other nicknames. In most cases these names are used as a term of endearment and not meant to insult or ridicule.

Nicknames among friends are usually personal and can be based on physical features, specific likes or childhood preference or behavioural pattern to name a few. Examples:

Physical features – Bulbie – for someone with a big nose.

Specific likes or childhood preference – Tweety – after a cartoon character which the individual likes.

Behavioural pattern – Sunshine – for someone who is always smiling.

These nicknames which are known and tolerated between friends however are not always accepted from strangers, especially if they are not complimentary.

Whether friends, casual acquaintances or complete strangers Jamaican tend to address everyone by a nickname. Some of the more popular nicknames among strangers and general acquaintances usually refer to the colour of the skin, the race, the size or the age of an individual. Examples:


Colour - The colour of one’s skin is often used among young adults.


Females – Browning, Empress

Males – Brown man, Black man, Reds

Race -

All Orientals - Chinese, Japanese, Korean

Females – Ms Chin

Male – Mr Chin

All Indians –

Females – Collie, Indian

Male – Collie, Indian


Females – Fluffly, Lushus, Tiny, Slim thing

Males – Bigga, Big man


Child – Pickney, likkle bowy, likkle girl

Young person – Sista, bredda

Adult – Auntie, Uncle

Full Adult – God modda, Godfadda, Moms, Mommy, Dads

Ironically, the world wide accepted addresses of “Sir” or “Madame”, is frowned upon by the many Jamaicans. Is this a cultural thing, I have no idea? When asked, they will tell you that they don’t like it for themselves so they don’t use it for others. Most service providers, especially in the rural areas will refer to an adult female between the ages of about 40 to 60 years as “Mommy”, which in their estimation is a high honour.


So, the next time you are amongst Jamaicans and they give you a nick name, believe me, it’s all good. You don’t even have to answer, just smile and go about your business.  However, beware, if you ‘gwan like yu nice’, and ignore them you may get another name which usually won’t be complimentary.


Nuff Love


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The Small Sandal Shop

A married couple was on holiday in Jamaica. They were touring around the marketplace looking at the goods when they passed this small sandal shop.

From inside they heard the shopkeeper with a Jamaican accent say, "You!

Foreigners! Come in, come into my humble shop."

So the married couple walked in.

The Jamaican said to them, "I have some special sandals I think you would be interested in. They make you wild at sex."

Well, the wife was really interested in buying the sandals after what the man claimed, but her husband felt he really didn't need them, being the sex god he was.

The husband asked the man, "How could sandals make you into a sex freak?"

The Jamaican replied, "Just try them on."

Well, the husband, after some badgering from his wife, finally gave in, and tried them on. As soon as he slipped them onto his feet, he got this wild look in his eyes, something his wife hadn't seen in many years!

In the blink of an eye, the husband grabbed the Jamaican, bent him

violently over a table, yanked down his pants, ripped down his own pants,and grabbed a firm hold of the Jamaican's hips.

The Jamaican then began screaming; "YOU GOT THEM ON THE WRONG FEET!!!"


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