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Jamaican Ackee


Permalink 07:34:44 pm, by Melba
Categories: Culture

Jamaican Ackee

Ackee,the national fruit of Jamaica is not indigenous of Jamaica. It was brought to Jamaica from West Africa in the late eighteenth century. Its name is derived from the West African Akye fufo. In most areas of the Caribbean the fruit of the ackee is not eaten. It is only in Jamaica that Ackee is popular as an edible fruit.

The fruit of the ackee grows in a pod on an evergreen tree. The pod has petals which are originally greenish in colour and bloom during warm months mainly between January to March and June to August.The pod turns from green to a bright red to yellow-orange when it ripens. It splits open to reveal three or four arilli which are white to yellow flesh with black seeds at the tips. Only the inner, fleshy yellow arils are edible, the seeds at the tips of the arils, and the pod enclosing the 3 or 4 arils are discarded.

It is very important for the ackee pods to be allowed to ripen and open naturally on the tree before picking. Consumers of the unripe fruit sometimes suffer from 'Jamaican vomiting sickness' caused by alkaloid toxins,Hypoglycins A and B,found in raw ackees and the inner red tissue of the ripe ackee arils. Prior to cooking, the ackee arils must be cleaned, washed, boiled and the water discarded. Although ackee may be poisonous when improperly prepared, it is also rich in essential fatty acids, vitamin A, zinc, and protein.

The ackee fruit is a major export product in Jamaica. The canned product is a favorite of both visitors to the island and Jamaicans residing overseas. Ackee is also enjoyed by Jamaicans at home. It can be eaten by itself or with any ‘salt thing’ as we call it. It is also a part of our National dish, Ackee and Saltfish.
Nuff Love
Ackee tree

Ackee pods in clusters on the tree

Ackee pods

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Three Ministers

Three ministers - a Presbyterian, a Methodist, and a Southern Baptist and their wives were all on a cruise together. A tidal wave came up and swamped the ship, and they all drowned. The next thing you know, they're standing before St.Peter.

As fate would have it, the first in line was the Presbyterian and his wife. St. Peter shook his head sadly and said, "I can't let you in. You were moral and upright, but you loved money too much. You loved it so much, you even married a woman named Penny."

St.Peter waved sadly, and poof! Down the chute to the 'Other Place' they went. Then came the Methodist. "Sorry, can't let you in either," said Saint Peter "You abstained from liquor and dancing and cards, but you loved food too much.

You loved food so much, you even married a woman named Candy!" Sadly, St. Peter waved again, and whang! Down the chute went the Methodists.

The Southern Baptist turned to his wife and whispered nervously, "It ain't looking good, Fanny."


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