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Christmas in JA - 24 Days to Christmas


Permalink 08:13:56 pm, by Melba
Categories: Commentary

Christmas in JA - 24 Days to Christmas

Today is the first day in December and as the song writer says “it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas”. Most business places have been or are begin decorated, the lights are going up fast and furious in private homes and Christmas carols are being heard constantly on the air. People are even changing their cell phone ring to Christmas carols. Believe it or not there is only 24 days left for Christmas.
So how far did you get with those preparations? Are those fruits soaking, that ham organized, do you have that gift list ready and do you know what additional items you need this Christmas for decorating. I hope so, and if not you had better get cracking. Time waits for no man or woman.

Follow up:

Well its time to hit the shops, (payday was this week). Today I went browsing to get a feel of actual prices. By the way that ‘gift list’ was hard wasn’t it? Talk about down to the absolute minimum, only the very young are on my list, sorry adults but the funds just can’t stretch. The only saving grace is that most of us are in the same boat so we all understand. “Me no buy fi you, you no buy fi me…Oh how happy we will be”.
Anyway, back to the shopping. With Christmas around the corner most shopping centers are opening on Sundays and for longer hours. You need to shop around, compare prices and get value for your money. The closer it gets to Christmas the less choice you have the more expensive the items get. It’s called supply and demand. Don’t get caught.
It’s also time to get your wardrobe in order for the many Christmas gatherings. There is your office party, your friends office party your spouses office party and ‘nuff’ more. Most of these events at Christmas start in the early evening hours but tent to go on until very late. So you will need to have outfits that won’t look too dressy at 6:00pm but will allow movement and still be fine at midnight. This is where the men really have it over us ladies, Just remove the tie and they are ready to party. Also most people tend to mix with the same set of people over and over so you will need more than one outfit.
Christmas in Jamaica is also a time when we tend to get out more and visit with friends and family. We also have friends and family visit with us and so we must be ready. It’s time to start drawing that sorrel. Christmas is not Christmas without sorrel drink. You can never have too much. And if you can’t mix it yourself there is always True Juice. If you like it more spicy then add more ginger, wine and rum to taste, just remember to take it out of the plastic to mix it. (Don’t ask me why. Those were the instructions I got). Of course sorrel also last longer with some rice gain added to the bottle (again, so I get it, so I give you). Maybe some of you connoisseurs out there can explain for me.
Last thing on my list for this week is decorating. Some people think it’s too early, so I’ll leave it up to you. Personally I just love a Christmas tree and the longer I can enjoy it the better. So I intend to decorate my home this weekend. Good luck with the shopping.
Nuff Love.

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Bruk Pocket Jamaican

"Recently, this Jamaican won the 10 million special lottery for a dollar. As soon as the office of the Lottery Corporation was open on the following day, he was there to collect his winnings.

Graciously, he presented his winning ticket to the clerk and in his best English uttered his request "Me cum fi collect the 10 millian dallars, si me ticket ya".

After reviewing and checking the ticket with his manager, the clerk returned and requested on how he would like his payments. The Jamaican replied "Mi wan all a de moni now". "Unfortunately, Sir" the nervous clerk responded, "The procedures are that we can only give you one million now and the balance equally over the next 20 years".

Furious and agitated, the Jamaican asked for the manager, who re-iterated "Sir, my assistant is correct, it is the regulation of the corporation that we initially pay you one million dollars now with the balance paid to you equally over the next 20 years".

Outraged, the Jamaican slammed his hand on the desk and shouted in anger, "Oonu tek me fi idiat, me wan all a de moni now or oonu gi me bak me rass dallar!!"


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