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World Youth Netball Championships


Permalink 10:10:34 pm, by Melba
Categories: Sports

World Youth Netball Championships

After a brilliant start at the World Youth Championships in Florida the young Sunshine Girls netball team placed fourth at the tournament. The Jamaicans opened with the biggest victory at the tournament, winning Bermuda 98 – 6. The Sunshine girls then went on to win all seven matches in rounds one and two gaining a place in the semifinals.
All hope of winning the tournament went when the British team proved too much for the Jamaicans who fell 52-48. They then faced the Australians who had been dethroned by New Zealand, for third and fourth place. The ‘Aussies’ defeated the Jamaicans 61 – 44.
Jamaica fell two places in the rankings and returned home without a medal, but hey, the girls did us proud and we are satisfied. The other top teams had up to five players who had played in former World Championships; none of our girls had any such experience. According to the Gleaner, their coach Joan Cargill is reported to have said, “Nothing went wrong. A lack of experience got the better of us but the girls tried hard and they did well”. What more can we ask.
So it’s back to the drawing board (or netball court) for our girls. Next year we’ll be looking for bigger and better things.
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Three Ministers

Three ministers - a Presbyterian, a Methodist, and a Southern Baptist and their wives were all on a cruise together. A tidal wave came up and swamped the ship, and they all drowned. The next thing you know, they're standing before St.Peter.

As fate would have it, the first in line was the Presbyterian and his wife. St. Peter shook his head sadly and said, "I can't let you in. You were moral and upright, but you loved money too much. You loved it so much, you even married a woman named Penny."

St.Peter waved sadly, and poof! Down the chute to the 'Other Place' they went. Then came the Methodist. "Sorry, can't let you in either," said Saint Peter "You abstained from liquor and dancing and cards, but you loved food too much.

You loved food so much, you even married a woman named Candy!" Sadly, St. Peter waved again, and whang! Down the chute went the Methodists.

The Southern Baptist turned to his wife and whispered nervously, "It ain't looking good, Fanny."


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