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The sweet sound of patois


Permalink 03:57:45 pm, by Melba
Categories: Commentary

The sweet sound of patois

Have you ever experienced being lost and then eventually recognizing someone or someplace. The joy of relief that you feel in that moment that you are found is so great it's unbelievable. Well it's the same feeling you get when you are away from Jamaica and hear a fellow Jamaican speak.
Most persons tend to adopt the accent of the natives wherever they are. Sometimes it's the only way to be understood. 'Sometimes dem jus tink dem cute', or is it 'when in Rome do as the Romans'. Well, whatever the reason the minute a Jamaican hears a fellow Jamaican in 'forien' it's amazing how quickly they 'laps back ina the patois'. Everybody 'bus hout a laff' and an onlooker would believe you all know each other from 'Adam'. They have no idea 'what a clack a strike'.
It becomes even sweeter the farther away you are from home.I have personally had the experience on a bus in Hong Kong, in a supermarket in Seattle and in a restaurant in Maui and in all cases it made my holiday.
Today travelling has become a way of life for many Jamaicans. Either for business or pleasure. There are also a lot of Jamaicans living in foreign lands near and far. So when you 'buckup' a fellow Jamaican 'a forien' don't hold back. Let the sweet sound of our native patois be your bond.
Nuff love

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Reasons why I love my Jamaican Mom

1. My Mother taught me about ANTICIPATION.
"Just wait till we get home."

2. My Mother taught me about RECEIVING.
"You going get a ass'n when we get home!"

3. My Mother taught me to MEET A CHALLENGE.
"What di backside yu thinkin'? Answer me when me talk to you...Don't talk back to me!"

4. My Mother taught me CONSEQUENCES.
"If yu run cross de road an' cyar lick yu dung, a goin' kill yu wid lick."

5. My Mother taught me THE VALUE OF EDUCATION.
"If yu no go a school, yu a go tun tief or walk an' pick up bottle."

6. My Mother taught me MEDICAL SCIENCE.
"If yu tun over yu eye lid an fly pitch pan it, it a go stay so fi evva."

7. My Mother taught me to THINK AHEAD.
"Is not one time monkey goin' wan' wife"

8. My Mother taught me ESP.
"Yu tink a don't know what yu up to nuh?"

9. My Mother taught me HUMOR.
"If yu don' eat food, breeze goin' blow yu 'way."

10. My Mother taught me how to BECOME AN ADULT.
"Come an' tek yu beatin' like man."

11. My Mother taught me about SEX.
"Yu tink say yu drop from sky?"

12. My Mother taught me about GENETICS.
"Yu jus' like yu faada."

13. My Mother taught me about my ROOTS.
"Yu tink mi come from "Back A Wall?"

14. My Mother taught me about WISDOM OF AGE.
"When yu get to be as ol' as me, yu wi understan'."

15. And my all time favorite... JUSTICE.
"One day wen yu have pickney, a hope dem treat yu same way."


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